Pandemic Care Program

COVID-19 can cause Symptoms Ranging from Mild to very Severe. Home Care Programs for Covid-19 Patients In the Early Stages of the Disease help significantly improve and Reduce the chances of being Hospitalized through a well-Tailored Program by a Team of Consultants and Specialists to be Suitable for Each Patient's needs.

Services Differ From:

  1. Doctor and Nurse visit:
    For Assessing General Condition and Full Examination of the Patient.
  2. Physiotherapy:
    Pulmonary Rehabilitation for Covid-19 Patients effectively improves General Condition, improves Muscle Power, and reduces Expectoration.
  3. Nurse Shift:
    Full-time Complete Assessment and Follow-Up of the Patient including giving Medications and Assessment of Vital Signs.
  4. Nurse Aid Shift:
    Full time for Aiding the Patient with his Routine Daily Activities.
  5. Labs and Rads:
    Providing all requested labs and Rads at home with fast results or by Drive through Pathway so we can Minimize contact with others.

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